MTN’s Brand Health Tracker evaluation (Consumer Study) November 2021/2022/2023
Its aims was to assess the current competitive customer environment through tracking brand behavior, perceptions, advertising, and communications.
Participatory Video evaluation of food security and livelihood projects
Warchild Canada . May - July 2023
Community-driven participatory monitoring & evaluation of food security & livelihoods projects in South Sudan.The aim of the project was to pilot and produce guidance on an innovative participatory remote monitoring approach using video, audio and Most Significant Change for food security interventions in South Sudan that can be documented and disseminated for wider learning to the global humanitarian community.
Evaluation of School Feeding Programe in South Sudan
[2018 to 2023]. World Food Program.
The purpose of the evaluation is to critically and objectively review and take lessons of this programme implementation within the environment of South Sudan in order to assess whether the targeted beneficiaries are receiving services as expected, assess whether the project achieved its stated goals and objectives.
Client Satisfaction survey-Dstv
June - August 2019
The overall purpose of the Client satisfaction survey was to determine the levels of service quality and customer satisfaction among Multichoice(DSTV) clients. The focus is on; accessibility and affordability, service quality and reliability, customer perceived value.
: Public service Delivery perception study(African Development Bank April - July 2023
The Perception survey will provide public service delivery impact data to complement outcome data in the development of the Public Services Delivery Index(PSDI)-a comprehensive set of indicators covering the entire stream of public services across all sectors and the Banks' High 5s including power, energy, agriculture, human capital, gender empowerment, industrialization and trade competitiveness, regional integration, and human wellbeing such as access to clean water and sanitation, education, health and technology delivery services.
“Support to women Resilience . CIRDI/UNWOMWN. April - May 2018
Description of Project:
Project “Support to women Resilience, Self- reliance and Social Cohesion among displaced populations and host communities through vocational training in wulu county, western lakes state” implemented by Community Integrated Rural Development Initiative (CIRDI).
Impact Assessment(Video Documentary
The Project finances the Payam Development Grant (PDG), which is intended to incentivize community engagement in the planning and oversight of local development activities; support county capacity building through ‘learning by doing’ by providing resources to undertake the implementation of subprojects identified by communities; and support the expansion of community access to service facilities.
Reconciliation for peace baseline study
The project was to respond to the ongoing prevalence and devastation shaped by the political and inter-communal forms of violence in South Sudan; and will provide practical opportunities to discuss concerns and proposals of ordinary citizens to be heard from the local community level to the
environments of transitional justice