Registered in April 2017 by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of South Sudan No 27,940. , Ultimate Prime Consulting is a consulting firm operating in fields of Social research,Baseline studies, Project evaluation and business Consultancy, Real Estate and Construction, Logistics , Supply, Business Development, Marketing campaigns development.
Our reliance on reliable information for making strategic decisions ushered in the ultimate desire to deliver outstanding research results to any client. As Ultimate Prime Consulting Ltd,
We have been able to specialize and expand
our team members and network across the Ten States of South Sudan.
Fully owned and run by experienced researchers with a proven track record, Ultimate Prime Consulting has established strong ties with its counterparts in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania,Sudan, UAE, Ethiopia, Djibouti and Rwanda with a firm notion “Excellence in Action”
The goal of this survey is to receive feedback from private sector enterprises on the state of the business environment using a set of globally comparable methodology.
April to September 2024
School Feeding Program Oct 2023
Evaluation of School feeding program across the Ten States of South Sudan.Ultimate Prime Consulting partnered with Oversee Advising Group on this project
VSLA's assessment/Mapping Feb 2024
The Ministry of Gender, Child and Social Welfare (MoGCSW) with support from UN WOMEN has commissioned Ipsos and Ultimate Prime Consulting to conduct an assessment study among Village Saving and Loan Associations (VSLAs)
in South Sudan.
This study focuses on an in-depth mapping and evaluation of both successful and unsuccessful Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs) in South Sudan, spanning the 10 States of South Sudan and 2 Administrative areas, Ruweng and Pibor.